Water Storage Tank Foundation

Water Storage Tank Foundation

Challenge: A de-Ionized water storage tank together with an emergency diesel generator are to be built on a foundation next the several buildings. The tank contains 160,000 gallons of useful water plus a five-feet depth water for minimum water head. The tank and...

Generator Neutral Enclosure

Generator Neutral Enclosure

Challenge: Our client is concerned about the vibration of a nuclear plant component known as a Generator Neutral Enclosure (NE). The NE is a hollow horizontal aluminum cylinder, 58" diameter and 146" long. The NE shell construction consists of several plates bolted...

Lightning Arrester

Lightning Arrester

Challenge: New lightning arresters are required at a power plant. HEA was approached to perform an IEEE seismic qualification evaluation to demonstrate dynamic performance compatibility for as-tested versus as-installed configuration. Resolution: Our engineering team...

Component Seismic Design

Component Seismic Design

Challenge: Two pressure vessels will be installed at a Laboratory in Menlo Park, CA. In accordance with a client provided seismic design criteria, HEA has been tasked with computing the seismic demand loads for all of the systems and components in addition to the...

Pump Fragility Analysis

Pump Fragility Analysis

Challenge: The existing pumps need to be analyzed for seismic fragility. The developed seismic fragility will be performed using a 5% damped spectral acceleration. Resolution: The pumps were evaluated for the possible failure modes based on the design calculation. The...

Nuclear Fuel Transfer Cask Pedestal

Nuclear Fuel Transfer Cask Pedestal

Challenge: To evaluate the structural adequacy of a nuclear fuel transfer cask pedestal during lifting and seismic event loading. Resolution: Our engineering team created a detailed finite element model of the transfer cask pedestal which consists of a hexagonal steel...