by GeorgeWebManHopperE | Mar 27, 2021 | Power Generation and Utilities
HEA evaluated the structural integrity of the Dry Shielded Canister (DSC) and internals when subjected to an accident-scenario side-drop. Non-linear effects such as material plasticity, contact, and time-history loading were considered.
by GeorgeWebManHopperE | Mar 27, 2021 | Power Generation and Utilities
Crack indications were found at thermal joints of a containment polar crane rail. An ASME Section XI Code based fracture mechanics life evaluation for various crack orientations was performed using stresses found by finite element analysis.
by GeorgeWebManHopperE | Mar 27, 2021 | Power Generation and Utilities
Vibrations in a plant main steam line caused repeat support failures. HEA identified the vibration source and designed visco dampers to mitigate the vibrations.