Main Steam Line Vibrations
Vibrations in a plant main steam line caused repeat support failures. HEA identified the vibration source and designed visco dampers to mitigate the vibrations.
Pump Intake Debris Screen Optimization
Challenge: A refinery client uses seawater as the main supply for plant cooling operations as well as firewater for emergency situations. Depending upon storm activity and currents, significant seaweed and floating debris have been witnessed entering the intake...
Furnace No. 5 Foundation
Challenge: Design a support foundation for a large reheat furnace being installed at a local steel manufacturing plant to increase their production output. The weight of the new furnace is measured in millions of pounds, with dozens of individual support points for...
Granite Point Ship Impact
Challenge: A supply ship, the PSV Monarch, was involved in a collision with legs 1 and 4 of the Granite Point platform located in the Cook Inlet, Alaska. Due to damage to the ship incurred during the impact, the ship eventually took on water and sank. The incident...
Tidal Turbine Feasibility Study
Challenge: Ocean currents flowing beneath offshore platforms provide a wealth of energy that has previously gone untapped. Recent developments in alternative and renewable energy have provided a number of options for energy production, including tidal turbine...
Offshore Platform – Diesel Firewater Caisson Wall Thinning Assessment
Challenge: Assess the condition of a corroded Diesel Firewater Conductor Pipe (Caisson) located on an offshore platform. Determine if the caisson remains fit for service, if it does not then design a repair. Resolution: UT measurements were taken to determine the...
Fin-Fan Outlet Nozzle Wall Thinning Fitness-for-Service
Challenge: Thinning of the weld material at a fin-fan outlet nozzle was identified during routine inspection. The client performed a Fitness-for-Service analysis in-house and found stresses in the component to be acceptable. However, per API 579 requirements the...
Platform Floatation and Removal Analysis
Challenge: As oil and natural gas wells in Alaska's Cook Inlet decline and the platforms used to capture the petroleum resources reach the end of their useful lives, operators are exploring options for the safe and efficient removal of the massive structures. HEA was...
Fitness for Service Assessment of Pipe Rack
Challenge: An aggregate reaction is causing ongoing degradation of the reinforced concrete structures at this facility. This main pipe rack is one of the more heavily deteriorated structures. The facility operator and regulators asked our team to estimate the margin...
Pontoon Brace Damage Assessment
Challenge: During a routine inspection of an offshore platform corrosion damage was discovered at various welds connecting horizontal braces to the pontoon. One of the horizontal braces was found to be completely separated from the pontoon with a gap of up to 1.5...